./bayesed (openmpi v1.8.8 is required for mpirun) [OPTIONS] -i inputfile


-a, --ann ARG1[,ARGn]               Select  ann model by name
                                    e.g. -a id,bc03_pr_exp_ch_calzetti,iscalable

-ak, --aknn ARG1[,ARGn]             Select aknn model by name
                                    e.g. -ak id,bc03_pr_exp_ch_calzetti,iscalable,k,f_run,eps,iRad

-bb, --blackbody ARG1[,ARGn]        black body spectrum
                                    e.g. --blackbody id,bb,iscalable,w_min,w_max,Nw

-gb, --greybody ARG1[,ARGn]         grey body spectrum
                                    e.g. --greybody id,gb,iscalable,ithick,w_min,w_max,Nw

-h, -help, --help, --usage          Display usage instructions

-i, --input ARG1[,ARGn]             Input file containing observed photometric SEDs with given unit(0 for flux in uJy, 1 for AB magnitude)
                                    e.g. -i 0,observation/ULTRAVISTA/ULTRAVISTA0.txt

-k, --knn ARG1[,ARGn]               Select knn model by name
                                    e.g. -k id,bc03_pr_exp_ch_calzetti,iscalable,k,f_run

-L, --luminosity ARG1[,ARGn]        compute luminosity between w_min and w_max in rest-frame
                                    e.g. --luminosity w_min,wmax

-pw, --powerlaw ARG1[,ARGn]         power law spectrum
                                    e.g. --powerlaw id,pw,iscalable,w_min,w_max,Nw

-s, --sampling ARG1[,ARGn]          IS,mmodal,ceff,nlive,efr,tol,updInt,Ztol,seed,fb,resume,outfile,logZero,maxiter,acpt_min for MultiNest.
                                    e.g. --sampling 1,0,0,400,0.3,0.1,1000,-1e90,1,0,0,0,-1e90,100000,0.01 (default)

-sfh, --sfh ARG1[,ARGn]             Select a SFH for the csp model
                                    e.g. -sfh id,itype_sfh,itruncated,itype_ceh

-ssp, --ssp ARG1[,ARGn]             Select a ssp model for the csp model
                                    e.g. -ssp id,ynII,iscalable,k,f_run,eps,iRad,iT0,iT1,iT2

-t, --template ARG1[,ARGn]          Use template SED with the given name
                                    e.g. -t id,M82,iscalable

--check                             Print all inputs and their category.

--cl ARG1[,ARGn]                    output estimates at confidence levels e.g. --cl 0.68,0.95 (default)

--cosmology ARG1[,ARGn]             e.g. --cosmology 70,0.7,0.3 (default)

--ebv ARG1[,ARGn]                   set the global value of E(B-V) of MW for all objects
                                    e.g. --ebv 0

--export ARG                        Exports all options including the default values of unset ones.
                                    e.g. --export out.txt

--ext ARG1[,ARGn]                   select extinction curve
                                    e.g. --ext id,ext_law[0-7]
                                    1:Milky Way (Cardelli+1989,FAST)

--filters ARG                       Set the file containing the definition of filters
                                    e.g. --filters filter/filters.txt

--filters_selected ARG              Set all used filters in the observation and select those needed
                                    e.g. --filters_selected filter/filters_selected.txt

--flux_max ARG                      maximum allowed observational flux in microJy
                                    e.g. --flux_max 1e99 (default)

--flux_min ARG                      minimum allowed observational flux in microJy
                                    e.g. --flux_min 0 (default)

--gsl_integration_qag ARG1[,ARGn]   set epsabs,epsrel,limit for gsl_integration_qag
                                    e.g. --gsl_integration_qag 0,0.01,500 (default)

--import ARG1[,ARGn]                Import one or more files that contain command line options and use # as comment char.
                                    e.g. --import in.txt

--IGM ARG1[,ARGn]                   --IGM [0-5]
                                    Select the model for intergalactic medium attenuation
                                    1:Madau (1995) model (default)
                                    2:Meiksin (2006) model

--load_priors ARG                   load priors from .hist files for all objects
                                    e.g. --load_priors priors_root

--nzbin ARG                         Number of bins used to sample the prior of redshift.
                                    e.g. --nzbin 20 (default)

--NNF ARG1[,ARGn]                   The MAXITER and toler used in nonnegative quadratic programming.
                                    e.g. --NNF 10000,0 (default)

--NfilterPoints ARG                 e.g. --NfilterPoints 30 (default)

--outdir ARG                        output dir for all results
                                    e.g. --ourdir result/ (default)

--output_PCs ARG                    output the amplitude of first N PCs
                                    e.g. --output_PCs 0 (default)

--output_model_absolute_magnitude   output model absolute magnitude of best fit

--output_model_apparent_magnitude   output model apparent magnitude of best fit

--output_model_flux                 output model flux of best fit

--output_pos_obs                    output posterior estimation of observables

--rename ARG                        rename the model

--save_bestfit                      Save the best fitting result

--save_pos_sfh ARG                  Save the posterior distribution of model SFH with given Ngrid
                                    e.g. --save_pos_sfh 100

--save_pos_spec                     Save the posterior distribution of model spectra (Warning,require memory of size nSamples*Nwavelengths!)

--save_priors                       save priors as .hist files for all objects

--save_sample_obs                   save posteriori sample of observables

--save_sample_par                   Save the posterior sample of parameters

--save_sample_spec                  Save the posterior sample of model spectra

--save_summary                      Save the summary file

--select_sample ARG1[,ARGn]         select a subsample with given conditions
                                    e.g. --select_sample Nvalid_photo_min,Nvalid_spectra_min,SNR_min

--sys_err_model ARG1[,ARGn]         fractional systematic error of model
                                    e.g. --sys_err_model 0,0 (default)

--sys_err_obs ARG1[,ARGn]           fractional systematic error of obs
                                    e.g. --sys_err_obs 0,0 (default)

--test_priors                       test priors by setting the loglike for observational data to be zero

--w_max ARG                         maximum allowed observational wavelength in micron

--w_min ARG                         minimum allowed observational wavelength in micron

--zrange ARG1[,ARGn]                set the global value of z_min and z_max used for the fitting of all objects
                                    e.g. --zrange 0,6